World of warships submarines public test
World of warships submarines public test

world of warships submarines public test

Most of what you will see is now in development. We remind you that during Beta Test, we are working –with your help– to review and evaluate the current concept of the gameplay on and against submarines. The TST server is available 12:00 - 20:00 UTC daily between the 3rd and 8th of October for round 2 testing.The TST server only runs 8 hours a day to ensure maximum amount of participants online at once.The Second stage of Beta Test starts today and we would like to share a list of changes, most of which are based on your feedback. If you'd like more information on the patch, check out the World of Warships website.Beta Test 2 Changes and Test 1 ResultsThanks to all participants of the first round of the Beta Test! We are grateful for the time taken to try out the new ship type and sharing your impressions and ideas with us. Lastly, Wargaming will be testing players across NA, EU, and APAC servers to optimize their cross-server matchmaking technology between several tiers, modes, and battle types in the future. According to the devs, the changes provide "a better overall balance and offer greater flexibility." Moreover, the interface for viewing skills now allows players to view Commanders from all nations regardless if they have a ship from the same country in the Reserve. Several Commander talents, skills, and upgrades have seen improvements in this patch. "Sunray in the Darkness" will come two weeks after this update, pitting two teams of seven players against each other as they navigate a small safe zone, avoiding the "Filth" that gradually swallows the map. In addition, the "Twilight Battle" is now available - a rather unexpected re-appearance since its introduction in 2018. While testing the new ship class, players can enjoy the "Saving Transylvania" and "Sunray in the Darkness" Operations leading up to Halloween.

World of warships submarines public test